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USA 24: “Dis Bitch Got A Wonky Drop” - Six Flags Great Adventure


We headed south into New Jersey and to my first Six Flags park! A large and diverse cred buffet awaiting us, and I was really excited! This park is home to big boy coasters like El Toro and Nitro, which I’d been hearing about for years. It’s also the home of Kingda Ka, the tallest and fastest operating coaster in the world! 

We collected our diamond season passes and headed straight for the creds! 

Harley Quinn Crazy Train 572: 

A large Tivoli coaster, it had no queue so we ticked it off! 

Skull Mountain 573: 

A cred in a shed! What’s in the shed? An average indoor coaster, that I’m glad we didn’t have to queue for! 

Jersey Devil Coaster 574: 

My first RMC single rail coaster! Sadly, it looks much more impressive than it rides. It feels fast, but it’s not exactly smooth. 

Lil Devil Coaster 575: 

Guess who didn’t take a photo of this… plus one and done! 

Nitro 576: 

Touted by many as the best B&M hyper, I was excited to ride! Headed straight to the back row, of course, that’s the best seat on a hyper! Nitro is fast and holds its pace well, but there’s next to no airtime. I have a feeling it’s been trimmed, and that’s killed the airtime. 

Batman 577: 

Ah finally a coaster that’s on the correct side of the track! A solid invert. Went back row for the forces! 

The Dark Knight 578:

Standard wild mouse, in a shed and with rubbish cardboard theming. 

Kingda Ka 579: 

Standing at 456 feet tall, Ka easily dominates the skyline. At time of writing, it’s the tallest and fastest operating coaster and one I couldn’t wait to ride. I’ve been looking at photos of this ride for years, I’ve even watched the discovery channel documentary! Ka is notoriously temperamental, if it is open run there. After fighting my way through the seemingly impenetrable security on the entrance, formed of one women who was absolutely fastidious about what was in my zipped pocket. It was my passport. The ride itself was incredible. I opted for back row and the speed of the coaster is something else!  It feels like you’re being dragged to the top of the top hat for an age, then it feels like you stop at the top before racing back down. Incredible. We tried to ride again, but it broke and never reopened. 

This was also closed. 

El Toro 580: 

El Toro seems to attract local characters. Walking up to the ride I overheard one local saying “nah, I ain’t riding that, made of wood init”. It gets better though, the title of this blog is something a local shouted as we went up the lift hill! “Dis bitch got a wonky drop!”. El Toro is a weird coaster, you have to ride it at the front or the back. In the middle is incredibly rough, like unbearable rough. The front and the back are glass smooth. Ride it there and it’s incredible.

At some point we had lunch, Mexican food was the on the agenda! 

The loaded nachos were decent. The Stacey’s Mom beer, before you ask, did have it going on! 

Post lunch, we rode Justice League. Maybe we did it before lunch, I don’t know. 

Somehow I managed to get a score so high that I’m in the top 0.5% of all time. Is there no end to my talents? 

Medusa 581: 

Easily my favourite coaster that shares a name with an Anthrax song! Medusa was a pretty good flourless coaster! 

Runaway Mine Train 582: 

Housed in this building. It was alright. Decent for something that opened in 1974.

Joker 583: 

These aren’t actually as disgusting as they look! I’d ride one of these any day over a Zac Spin! I managed to get around 3 complete rotations on the way round! 

Green Lantern 584: 

Stand up coasters just aren’t comfortable. I was glad to tick this off and never have to ride again. 

Superman Ultimate Flight 585: 

Have to ride these at the back for the pretzel loop! The last coaster to tick off. We finished our busy day off with re rides on El Toro before heading to the hotel, ready for another busy day in the morning. 

I’ll leave you with this: 

Next up: Dorney Park! 


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