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USA 24: A Big B&M Plus A Beer Festival! Am I Dreaming At Busch Gardens Williamsburg?!

I was so excited for this one! Having loved my visits to the sister park in Florida, I was excited to see the other Busch Gardens park. Home to some amazing looking coasters and a beer festival, I really felt like I was in my element. 

Not a bad car park view!

The park opens into a UK area

This park used to be called Busch Gardens Europe and its lands were themed to different European countries. The theming is pretty much still there, luckily the Bavarian area remains! 

We decided to grab the kiddie cred first. Grover’s Alpine Express 615: 

Plus one and done! We continued round the park and found Tempesto 616: 

I remember really disliking Tempesto’s sister coaster, Tigris, but I didn’t mind this. A pleasant surprise! Next up was one of the biggest surprises of the trip! 

DarKoaster 617

The concept of this ride is mad! It started life as a dark ride, which got removed and a coaster was shoved into the castle. I’ve never heard this coaster mentioned, but it’s honestly one of the best in the park! Who knew that zooming around on a snowmobile, through darkness, effects and launches could be so fun! 

Verbolten, 618, was quite the contrast. 

It’s just dull and a bit rough. Moving on to something very exciting. 


On paper it’s a genuine contender for number one coaster. Coasters don’t run on paper though, they run on track (unless they’re a bobsled). 

It was excellent! I of course went back row. I did front too, but it’s a back row ride. I love how tall the lift hill is, it literally dwarfs the vertical loop! Alpengeist is defo in my top five inverts, though I could probably fit ten inverts in that. There’s a real dead portion towards the end, which really lets the coaster down. Otherwise it’s a fast, intense and awesome ride! I do really like the ski slope like ending. 

InvadR 620: 

Boring and no airtime. Beer time. 

Myself and Tom shared one of these. 7 1/2 beers each, I probably won’t mention all of them! Little food and drink stalls were dotted around, all with slightly different themes. First beer of the day was German Shepheweizen, brewed by Wasserhund. A good to average take on Hefeweizen. Back to coasters! 

Griffon 621: 

A good dive coaster! 

Toucan Tropical Lager by Center Of The Universe Brewing Company was the next beer. Not normally something I’d go for, but it was lovely! The warm weather helped it go down a treat. 

Loch Ness Monster 622: 

A classic coaster with iconic interlocking loops! It had undergone a refurbishment just before we arrived and it was great! I really enjoyed it. 

Lunch was next! 

I ate a lot of BBQ food in this trip, that’s not a complaint! I washed it down with Loose Cannon, a 7.2% IPA by Heavy Seas Brewery. It was very tasty! 

Apollo’s Chariot 623: 

Most of this coaster is hidden, so taking photos is hard. Easily one of the best hypers on the trip! One airtime hill really caught me out! We finished with a night ride, back row and it was awesome! 

Pantheon 624: 

Pantheon was amazing! It’s got such a mix of elements! I actually thought I’d got a roll back, then realised it was a backwards section… Great airtime and really good pacing! 

With the creds done we had a couple more beers: 

Decent Kolsch 

Oatmeal Stout

A Caramel Macchiato stout, that I’d actually had before!  

We ended our awesome day with some re-rides! 

I loved this park. It’s beautiful, has great coasters, beers and good food! What more can you ask for? Thanks for reading, I’ll leave you with this: 


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