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USA 24: Intimidated by i305? Kings Dominion


I know it’s not called I305 anymore, but Project 305 sounds rubbish! Join for another busy and cred filled day! With fourteen to get, it was going to be a busy one! 

We started with Flight of Fear 625:

I was surprised at how much I actually liked this coaster. The launch was pretty good and it was smooth! 

Moving swiftly on, Tumbili 626: 

I find these an acceptable level of disgusting, they’re a bit gross but nothing compared to a Zac Spin. 
Reptilian 627: 

A bobsled! These things are fun and rare! This one seemed really slow. 

Anaconda 628: 
My Anaconda don’t, my anaconda don’t, my anaconda don’t want none unless you’ve got creds hun.
Yeah, it wasn’t great. Was showing its age. 

Backlot Stunt Coaster 629: 

This was ok, nothing overly special. A decent family coaster for sure. 

Next I found a drink I’d never had before: 
Was actually good! Very lemony and refreshing! Right enough of that, back to coasters! 

Project 305 - 630: 

I’d heard loads about this coaster. Mostly that people ‘grey out’ on it, a sensation where you pass out for a few seconds. I’d never experienced this on any coaster before, until my back row ride on this. Firstly, the coaster is huge, 305 feet, and the first drop is incredible. The speed of this beast is insane! As we raced through the first corner I could actually see stars, I didn’t pass out, but I’ve never felt anything like it! An incredible coaster, that we will talk more about later….

Great Pumpkin Coaster 631:

I didn’t take a photo, but it’s the opposite end of the scale to Project 305…

Woodstock Express 632: 

A small family woodie, where leg room is non existent. 

We then stopped for lunch. It was far from the best food and beer of the trip, but it did the job.

Grizzly 633: 

Strangely you have to walk through a shop to get to the ride. It was actually a really decent coaster! Smooth and with some airtime! 

Apple Zapple 634: 

More of a Mild Mouse than a Wild Mouse but was still a plus 1! 

Racer 75 - 635&636: 

Duelling racing coasters, that I apparently didn’t take a photo of. They were great fun! 

Twisted Timbers 637: 

I hate to say it, this is easily one of the weaker RMCs I’ve ridden. It’s ok towards the back, but it was so uncomfortable on my legs. 

For some reason I was given this to hold: 

Dominator 638: 

A big, but slightly rough, B&M. We’d now completed all of the creds! 

Some of the group decided that this was a good idea: 

I’ve ridden two of these before and they’re gross. Never again. 

With nightfall approaching we headed back towards Project 305, hoping for a front row ride. The coaster kept going down, the tension was getting too much. We watched fireflies dance around whilst the maintenance worked on the coaster. With hindsight this was actually an advantage to us, it was now really dark. 

Tom and Sue were ready 
Finally it was Emily and I’s turn to experience front row. Hands down one of the best coaster experiences I’ve ever had! Not as intense as back row, but such a rush! I didn’t see stars this time either! Racing through the darkness and down that first drop is something I’ll never forget! 

There was just enough time to grab a coffee and then we headed to the hotel. Thanks for reading! 


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