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USA 24: Moonshine Fuels The Wacky and The Weird. Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg!


It was a rough morning. I’m not saying that some of us stayed up until 3am drinking beer in the hot tub, but that might have happened. Still, we’re not quitters and had a full day planned! Let’s go! 

Thankfully there is no evidence of what I may have looked like if I stayed in the hot tub, drinking beers until 3am. 


I guess a BBQ would help? 

Turns out that BBQs do help! What a place to have one too! Looking out across the Smokey Mountains, watching for bears. Our house was amazing: 

We then made the short drive to The Island area of Pigeon Forge, where a real delight awaited us. 

Long time readers, are you as bored of seeing these as I am of riding them? Still, Spinning Parrot (677).

Harry and I then decided to do a Moonshine Tasting, at Olde Smokey Moonshine.

Where the magic happens.

Blue Raspberry, very sweet

Orange Cream, like orange cough mixture

In total we tried 8 different flavours of Moonshine. I purchased a bottle of Blue Flame, which is 64% ABV or 128% proof. A lady on our tasting remarked that “my boobies are on fire from the inside out”. It tastes so strong! I still have some! 

We then drove to this: 

A sort of homemade dinosaur boat ride!

Do we make good dinosaurs?

The ride was bad good, you know what I mean? Like so bad that it’s actually a right laugh!

We then drove to a place called Goats On The Roof. Before you ask:

However, we were not here for the goats. We were here for Coaster at Goats On The Roof (678), my first mountain coaster! I loved it! It felt really fast and of course I went flat out! 

The area is full of mountain coasters, but is tricky to do them all. They cost north of $20, that soon adds up! You’ll find out how many I did by the end of this blog! 

We made our to Gatlinburg and experienced another in house attraction. 

It’s a sort of home made version of the classic Universal Studios attraction Disaster. Impressively it’s based in just one room! I enjoyed this more than the dinosaur boat ride. 

Down the road, we found one of the surprises of the whole trip! 

Simply incredible from start to finish. There’s only two actors and they do an amazing job. This was easily one of the best horror attractions I’ve ever done! It was genuinely scary and full of surprises. 

We headed to another mountain coaster, which had closed early for some reason. Naturally the only thing you can do in this situation is another moonshine tasting. The guy doing this one was an absolute local character klaxon. 

I actually like moonshine now! 

We followed this up by finding a mountain coaster that was open! Ripley’s Mountain Coaster (679). 

This one was noticeably shorter than Goats On The Roof, but you get two rides! It was still fun and looked amazing all lit up.

After all this action it was time for a beer. We headed to Smokey Mountain Brewery!

All these tasters came to less than $10!

This mat, complete with tasting notes, is genius! I’ve never seen anywhere else do this! The Mountain Light Lager and Helles were my stand out beers here.

Thanks for reading! We head to Kentucky in the next part! Cheers!


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