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Supermarket Weep. Is Supermarket Own Brand Beer Really That Bad? Morrisons.

 Some ideas are much better than others. Buying beers from supermarkets is something I tend to avoid, in order to support local pubs, bars and taprooms. That being said, friend of blog, Dan, and I love a beer cred and have often joked about trying beers like Tesco value lager. We had a big night in planned, to watch Hull v Norwich on TV, and decided this was the time to try start this new challenge; which supermarket has the best own brand beer. Welcome to Supermarket Weep, the series where we try supermarket beers and probably weep during and after. Let’s go.

Cambridge feels like the supermarket capital of The UK, they’re everywhere you look. For some reason, there’s no Morrisons. Bedford, the base of our big night in, does have one. Here are our reviews of what we found. 

We decided to start with the lowest ABV, at 2.8% Original Bitter exceeded our lower than low expectations. It’s certainly not the worst bitter I’ve tried. At 2.8% you can’t expect a full bodied taste, however the taste we did get was smooth and crisp. It reminded us of a watered down John Smiths. This was one of the few beers we finished. 

Continental Lager did not exceed our bottom line expectations. The aroma was seriously sweet and it tasted like gassy water. I wonder if the sink enjoyed this beer more than we did. 

Amazingly, we found an even worse lager. The Export Lager tasted like it was all gas and no liquid. One sip was enough to make us both burp. Another beer for the sink.

Overall it wasn’t a great showing from Morrisons, despite the bitter being just about drinkable. If this has left you yearning to try any of the above, Dan has some left in his fridge.

In future instalments, we may allow beers brewed especially for the supermarket, in the hope that we find something good. For now, I’ll leave you with our rating spreadsheet!


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