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Moose On The Loose at Siren Craft Brew & Elusive!

I finally got to visit my favourite brewery, Siren Craft Brew! Stationed in nearby Reading ahead of the football, I was looking forward to visiting Siren even more than the game. Hindsight states, that was a good decision. You can read the account of the away day Here

Elusive Brewing is across the road from Siren, so we headed there first.
Always a good sign! 
Elusive is certainly one of the smallest taprooms I’ve visited
As a wise teacher once said, “judge me by my size do you”. It’s the beer the counts right! Right! Here’s what I started on. 
It was delicious. Elusive had a decent range available: 
I think between the four of us we completed the list. Friend of the blog, Tom, then arrived with a couple of mates. This allowed us to get a tradition group photo: 
The glasses squad then decided that it was time to share some cans of impy. Imperial Morrisman and bourbon barrel aged Imperial Morrisman were available and to be honest, neither were great. Weirdly sour tasting impy beers. I always aim to end on a positive, the Darksynth was an excellent black IPA. 

Then it was time:
I was so excited. My favourite brewery, who makes my favourite beer! 
I needed a palate cleanser, so opted to start with a Lumia. It was everything I wanted and more. Once I’d finished the Lumia, I couldn’t wait any longer… it was broken dream time! 
There’s something really special about drinking great beer directly at the source. It feels and tastes even more special when it’s your favourite beer, at your favourite brewery. I don’t wish to disclose how many Broken Dreams were consumed, so I will end this here. I do highly recommend a visit to these two top breweries. 

Thanks for reading! 


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